Places of possibility

It’s not about simply meeting the needs to create a workplace, it’s about looking at the endless possibilities a space holds to create the most ideal environment.

Built from the ground up

You’ve known us as General Office Products,
but after nearly 60 years, we knew it was time for a change.

Acre is your full-service workspace design partner. You won’t find any smoke and mirrors here - just progressive thinking, proactive listening, transparent business practices, and a collaborative approach to empowering forward-looking clients.

It’s your vision. We’re here to help you realize it.


We are creative collaborators

Your working partner every step of your journey.
Our team champions transparency, collaboration, and a tireless pursuit of eye-catching excellence.

How we work gets to the core of the matter:
we listen, then we deliver.


We work hard to deliver smart solutions

It’s our pride and joy to put in an honest effort that not only adds a personal touch but scores a home run with our clients. In an industry that can be more show than go, our promise to deliver stands apart.

Project Photos

We have a relentless drive for innovative solutions

That drive is how we succeed in an ever-changing work world. Our alliance with Steelcase means the solutions we propose for your projects are backed by industry-leading research, allowing us to anticipate trends with thought leadership.


We’re a team that always aims to provide a seamless experience and get it right the first time

We’re here to listen, ask the right questions, and understand each situation from our client’s perspective.

News + Insights

Acre Let's Talk Services blog photo of hands holding plant

Let’s Talk Services

Just like the expanse of an acre of land that our name represents, we are here to help you plant your flag, establish a foundation, and sow the seeds of future growth.

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Behavioral Health Spaces

Read how warmer, more comfortable spaces can help people with behavioral + mental health issues.

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Architectural Solutions

Architectural solutions play a vital role in enhancing a space. As your dedicated team, we will ensure a seamless process from start to finish.

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Work Better Magazine

Introducing a special edition of Work Better magazine. In this issue, explore how four major shifts are changing how people work and how Community-Based Design responds to create vibrant workplaces that help people thrive.